A Sign of Change

In the late 1980s, the economy stagnated significantly, which had an impact on the overall quality of construction work and the gradual curtailment of metro development. This is when the Velvet Revolution happened. Thirteen stations were renamed following a decision by the City Council on 22 February 1990. Plans for further development were gradually reassessed. Overall construction slowed down, but individual improvements began to be made. The quality of technical facilities was improving, the Soviet escalators were gradually being replaced and the trains were gradually being rebuilt. The changes were less visible, but important for the quality and safety of operations. The most important and costly change was the construction of lifts and access for people with reduced mobility and orientation.

1. Leninova → Dejvická
2. Sokolovská →  Florenc
3. Moskevská →  Anděl
4. Švermova →  Jinonice
5. Dukelská →  Nové Butovice
6. Fučíkova →  Nádraží Holešovice
7. Gottwaldova →  Vyšehrad
8. Mládežnická →  Pankrác
9. Primátora Vacka →  Roztyly
10. Budovatelů →  Chodov
11. Družby →  Opatov
12. Kosmonautů →  Háje

This renaming was done gradually so as not to cause disorientation and confusion among passengers. The economy was just starting to take off, but the Prague metro was on its way to the level of developed countries.